Monday, January 30, 2012

Some things I just do not understand.

Judgmental people.

Close-minded people.

And Philosophy homework.

Yes, I realize that the last of these issues is minuscule compared to the other two, but still.

Basically, I saw this picture on my Facebook news feed the other day, and had to resist a very strong urge to break a door, or give this person a piece of my mind. So I'm just going to rant about it now, because this is my blog and I really need to get this out of my system. And for the record, no I am not going to advertise this post on Facebook just in case certain people find it controversial, or have an issue with it. If I offend someone reading this, I am truly very sorry, it wasn't my intention. I just want to talk for a little bit, and mind you, none of the examples I provide below refer to my life in any way, they're just examples. Anyway, here we go. The picture:

It's like, I get it, you're anti-abortion, and that's totally fine with me. Such is your right. But you do not, and I mean do NOT get to post something like this on Facebook and expect it to be okay. Yes, I understand that it is your Facebook page and you should be able to post what you want, but when you go about flaunting an issue such as this without providing an explanation behind your opinion, that's where I draw the line. You have absolutely no idea what people who have been put in the situation of needing/wanting an abortion have been through; you are a close-minded overly conservative Christian who has no idea what it's like for other people out there who maybe, oh I don't know, don't lead as charmed of a life as you. There are people out there who have been raped or violated, or who are just not ready to be parents and do not believe that they could safely bring a child into the world and raise them they way they deserve to be raised. In situations like the ones I just mentioned above, having an abortion should not be completely out of the question.

"No woman wants an abortion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg." - Frederica Mathewes-Green

Here's a little scientific fact for you, just off the record: Until a fetus (yes fetus, not baby) reaches viability within a woman's uterus, what that woman does with her body is her decision.

"We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about the children." - Joycelyn Elders

"No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." - Margaret Sanger

A nonviable fetus, I do not believe, is a life. Yes, I understand that many people probably feel differently on that issue. However, I also believe that one day, said nonviable fetus will become viable, become a life, and once it does, abortion should no longer be considered as an option. Any creature that is at the time capable of living outside of the mother's body should not be terminated; that is inhumane.

"The line between lawful and unlawful abortion will be marked by the fact of having sensation and being alive." - Aristotle

So, you who posted the picture, answer me this: would you rather someone have a child that they became pregnant with by a rape, or have a child that they were unable to raise in a stable environment, and then allow the child to suffer? What if that child were to spend it's entire life enduring pain, hunger, poverty, abuse, and again suffering? Does any human deserve to go through that kind of life? NO they do not. Abortion is not that black and white, and it does NOT MAKE SOMEONE A MURDERER.

"I have met thousands and thousands of pro-choice men and women. I have never met anyone who is pro-abortion." - Hillary Clinton

God, I get angry just contemplating that thought. No, I have not personally been in a situation where I have had to seriously consider an abortion, but I know that were I one of those people in the examples I previously mentioned, I would probably not keep it out of the question. And yes, for any of you who were curious, I am a Christian. I believe in God, I believe that babies are miracles, and I believe that each life created should be cherished and lived to the fullest. I am not, however, close-minded to the extent where I would judge and hiss at someone who does not feel as though they are capable of carrying and/or raising a child. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for many other Christians out there, for people like you. I just hope that one day people can learn to open their eyes.

"One method of destroying a concept is by diluting its meaning. Observe that by ascribing rights to the unborn, i.e., the nonliving, the anti-abortionists obliterate the rights of the living." - Ayn Rand

Sit with that, will you.


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