Thursday, January 19, 2012

Seattle snowpocalipse.

Last night, my roommate Lauren and I prayed for a snow day today, like literally prayed to the Snow Gods, whatever those are. When we went to bed at around midnight, there was almost no snow. None. Well, there was some, but it was melting to say the least. And thanks the bipolar weather reports we had been hearing throughout the week, we had gotten word that either nothing was going to happen, or some insane blizzard-like storm was supposed to hit the city today and incapacitate almost everyone. So we were extremely confused. What on earth was going to happen?! Well.

*3:30am Wednesday, in the middle of the night*

Lauren: *wakes up, sits up in bed, puts on glasses and looks out the window* "There's no snow!"
Me: *wakes up from Lauren's talking* "Nope, no there's not!" 
Lauren: "Zzzzzzz..."
Me: "...shit there's no snow. I have to be up in four hours." 

So after that little scene that Lauren now has no recollection of, I was convinced that nothing was going to happen. Today was just going to be another cold-as-snot day where I had to get up early and go to three classes back to back to back. Ugh. Little did I know, I was wrong. Dun dun dunnnn...

Today in Seattle it snowed a grand total of six inches. Six inches. What the actual fuck? I mean, not that I'm complaining, but honestly I don't think I have ever experienced that much snow all at one time (and yes I realize that everyone who lives in like, Alaska or Colorado would probably be laughing in my face for saying that). But seriously, when I woke up to my alarm at 8am in order to get ready for my first class, all I could think was "Ughhh I don't wanna do this, I just want it to snowwww!" Then however, I look over to the other side of the room and lo and behold there was Lauren, sound asleep in her bed; this made me think, "Hmm...Lauren normally has a class that starts at 8am on Wednesdays, DOES THIS MEAN WE HAVE A SNOW DAY?!" I then proceeded to look out the window and noticed the (again) six inches of snow on the ground. Now, based on how I have been writing this blog post so far, you would think that I would just jump right out of bed in excitement, run over to the window and start drooling like a little kid, but actually I did no such thing. Literally all I did was roll over and fall back asleep until 11am. What a glorious morning.

Once Lauren and I actually decided to get up, we, along with our third roommate Arielle, met up with four of our other friends and basically frolicked the entire afternoon and into the evening. And believe me when I tell you, frolicking in the snow actually takes a lot more energy than one would think. I am beat, and it's not even that late yet. Odd for me, really. Anyway, it's actually pretty amazing to see the crazy things that college students will do once their classes get cancelled because of the weather. For example, the entirety of the Seattle University campus is basically a hill, (go figure since we live downtown in the community of Capitol Hill), so once the city decided to close one of the steep [main] streets that splits through the middle of campus, some students decided it would be a good idea to go sledding.

Yeah, sledding, in the street. Technically, doing that kind of stuff is considered illegal, but when you're in college you're immune to that kind of thing right? Ha. Well, not only were people sledding in the main streets, but they were also sledding down the hill in front of the library,

and building igloos

and giant Totoros with the snow.

Needless to say it was interesting. Here however, are some pictures of what I did with my day.

(L to R, Shelby, Arielle)

(L to R, Shelby, Andre, Lauren; Andre is looking at me like that I think because I had just pelted him with a giant snowball...) 

(The Quad)

(L to R, Andre, Lauren, Arielle, Shelby, Me) 

(Administration building; a lot of classrooms are in here) 

(Chapel of St. Ignatius and a very frozen Reflection Pool)

And let me introduce to you for your viewing pleasure, Herbert (Herbie for short) the snowman:


(L to R, Lauren, Arielle)

(L to R, Lauren, Jill)


(L to R, Lauren, Joe, Nick, Shelby, Arielle, Jill)

(Sad Herbie?)

(Joe comforting sad Herbie)

Isn't he just so handsome? I sure think so. And just an fyi, in the last couple of pictures, the stick going across his face is supposed to be a mustache, not a frown despite popular belief. Sadly though, Herbie didn't make it to the end of the day. My guess was that some assholes came by and knocked him down for no reason at all, but my friends, being the optimistic individuals that they are, thought that rather he just fell over. Regardless of which option was true however, this is what became of poor Herbie the snowman:



I don't even want to know what happened to the torso. It was just so tragic...Herbie was one of a kind. RIP.

Later on in the evening, we decided it would be fun to go on another midnight walk in the snow, and this time I didn't even have to hobble! (Story on that in a bit). We took some really good pictures and just generally had a lot of laughs. Oh, and this walk was when we found both the igloo and the Totoro (both were behind the Administration building). Here's my favorite picture of the whole walk, I think:

(The Lower Mall)

Either that or this one:

(Back of the Admin. building)

Or this one:

I really can't decide. Everything here is just so pretty, and the snow just increases that ten-fold. Anyway, enough with the pictures. I will now tell you the story of my non-hobbling. For those of you who read my last entry about the long weekend spent in Olympia, you would know that I did in fact injure both of my knees on the ice while getting off a train Sunday night. Well, on Monday afternoon I decided that since I was still in a fair amount of pain, I would go up to the Swedish Medical Center ER, which is right up the hill from school. My friend Andre ended up coming with me (which I was actually very, very grateful for), and once I got all checked in, we sat in the waiting room for about 50 minutes before I was called back. We then decided that it would be best for me to go back alone, and Andre would just meet up with me once I was discharged, in case I had to go in for x-rays or do anything else that would take up a lot of time. Honestly, hospitals are NOT my favorite places in the world, and the thought of being alone in a strange ER was kind of daunting, but I managed. 

Once the nurse took me to my room and had me change into a gown, I was then informed that I would in fact, need x-rays to make sure nothing was broken. I didn't really think anything was since I could still kind of walk, but you never know. Anyway, the guy who ended up taking care of my x-rays was really, and I mean really weird. I mean he was very nice, but I don't know, there was just something about if he needed me to move like a half an inch, he would apologize to me like it was the greatest deal in the world. Like I said, very nice, but really, it's not like I was screaming in agony here. The x-rays all together didn't take too long, but the waiting for the results on the other hand, took about an hour. The doctor then proceeded to come in to inform me that nothing was broken (told you so), and do some tests to check that nothing was torn either. Now, I didn't know this, but apparently if you smack your knees hard enough on something, you can actually tear ligaments, like the ACL even. Fascinating stuff really, but lucky for me, nothing was torn either. Basically I left the hospital with nothing but really, really, really nasty bad bruising (which caused the swelled-up goose-egg things), a prescription for Vicodin (relax people, I've only taken a pill and a half over a two-day span, but oh my gosh, that stuff works), and a slight inability to walk normally for a few days. Oh, and a referral to an Orthopedic specialist if things didn't get better within the next few days (which ended up not being an issue). Tout allait bien et bon. But I think in the future I will avoid the taking and getting off of trains when it's icy...

Happy snow day everyone!


P.S. One positive that did come out of going to the hospital, however, was getting this sweet new bracelet ;)

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