Thursday, May 3, 2012


I have decided that I need to have a little more positivity in my life. I mean, I feel like I've just been utilizing this blog as a stomping grounds for my seemingly uncontrollable emotions. And, that's not really me. I want to be happy, I want to think about happy things, and I want you all to know about the happy things that go on in my life. So with this post I will make a list - a list of all the things in my life I am currently grateful for and/or happy about.

(And before you say anything, yes I know I have become extremely lazy on the whole "Gratituesday" thing. I'm sorryyy! But Tuesdays have just become so busy and I'm so tired and *insert excuses here*! I promise I still have gratefulness...)

1. MY NEPHEW. My little four-month-old baby nephew, Parker. Okay, he's not really my nephew since I'm an only child, he's my cousin Lindsey's son, but I consider him to be just as good as an actual nephew, and I really like saying that I have one, so there. Anyway, he is the world's cutest little thing. I got to meet him for the first time last weekend when I went down to Olympia, since he and his parents live in Virginia and are only currently visiting here in Washington, and I immediately fell in love. I mean, who couldn't fall in love with this face?

(Stolen from Lindsey's pictures because let's face it, he only makes this face for her...)

And who couldn't melt at least a little bit carrying this little guy around on a walk?

(Taken literally two minutes before he fell asleep)

2. My Lashway family as a whole. Getting to spend two nights down in Olympia last weekend was just what I needed - my cousin picked a really good time to visit home :) I not only got to meet little Parker for the first time, but got to spend quality time with people I don't get to see as often as I'd like. Honestly, you would not believe half of the stuff we did. Okay that's a lie, last weekend was actually relatively normal for us. The only weird thing we really did was shave my Aunt Lori's cat, Harmony. Yes, shaved her cat. Here is picture proof if you don't believe me.

I didn't actually get a picture of the end result, which was kind of a bummer, but long story short, my aunt set him down on a table, then both her and my mom held him down while she...shaved him. He's basically a long-haired shedding machine, so apparently she does this a few times a year because it's "cheaper than the vet." Anyway yeah he was traumatized by the experience, and let me just tell you that now, he looks weird. haha. She only really shaved around his middle and parts of his neck and back legs, and Harmony is naturally a really skinny cat, so now it looks like he has a ginormous head with a teeny tiny body. Dang, I really wish I had a picture...

Now onto more normal things, we also celebrated Lindsey's 25th birthday Saturday night. Yes, 25th, not 26th or any other misconstrued number that the cake might have said (like 22nd...). haha. 

(Yes I do have a new-found addiction to Instagram photos don't judge me)

And my other cousins Olivia and Collin and I spent some quality time Saturday analyzing various social networks, like Twitter (and Instagram), and hashtags. 'Twas a good time.

3. Seattle University Choirs. Now I realize I've already written an entire post back in January dedicated to this group, but I just had to mention something again. Last weekend was our spring concert weekend (one on Friday night 4/27 and one Sunday afternoon 4/29), and I have to say it went fairly well. Our repertoire this season was a little different (lots of slooowwwwww songgggssssss) but it worked, and people enjoyed it. To be totally honest, I have been complaining a lot lately about being in choir. Not because I hate it per se, but because lately we have been rehearsing so much. Literally over 10 hours a week. I know I know, you have to rehearse in order to be good, but we were almost going overboard. We had these last two concerts to prepare for, and we also had several clinicians come in and work with us as well as a festival down in Tacoma in early April, all of which required a lot of extra rehearsal time and vocal strain. I just wanted to say on here though that no matter how much I whine, I am still so grateful to be a part of this group of talented individuals. Singing is still my passion, and if anything, SU Choirs only make that passion stronger :) And our concerts are always amazing, just to throw that out there.

Warning: This list is about to get increasingly witty and/or sarcastic and/or whatever. I'm in a weird mood right now and am done trying to conceal it. Ha.

4. Umm my education. No matter how I get it or where I get it from. College is good. So are A's on French midterms, LIKE I GOT YESTERDAY.

5. Getting the opportunity to work at home in Eugene, Oregon this summer. Yes folks, I opted out of going back to Yellowstone this summer. As much as I would love to go live at Old Faithful and work in the Inn's Dining Room (no sarcasm there at all, I really would love to go back there), it just doesn't work with my schedule and stuff I need to take care of this summer, so instead I took a job with my cousin's family-friend, combining. Yes, combining. On a farm. I'm not knocking it though, I'm actually looking forward to it, you know, new life experiences and what not. Anyway, as it turns out, I will end up making more money staying home in Eugene than I would if I went back to YNP, and this way I won't have to deal with moving out of my dorm in Seattle back to Eugene, then moving out to Wyoming, then back to Eugene, then back to Seattle, etc etc. I'm just going to trust now that going back to Eugene for the summer is the right choice. I really think it is, I mean it feels like it is, but I don't know. YNP will be there for me in the future if I ever need to go back, I hope. Fuck, now I miss it.

6. My job with Jumpstart. I really love my job, and my little preschoolers I get to work with. I so wish I could post pictures of them for you, because Lord knows I have plenty on my phone, but alas, I signed a contract saying I wouldn't post any on social networks and/or the internet. Rats. But they're super cute, you'll just have to take my word for it. Here, I'll give you a mental picture. The other day, the kids were playing with clay one of the teachers set out for them at the table. One little girl, Tyla (such a little diva, it's adorable. I'm convinced her namesake is Tyra Banks. Ha), decided it would be fun to make gloves out of clay, covering her entire hands and making a complete mess on the table. When she saw me watching her, she just stands up, gives me the cheesiest grin, holds her hands out, and allows me to take a picture. Also two other little girls, Dulce and Lizania (they're cousins) were sitting together working on a puzzle and they let me get a picture of them, smiling up at me and hugging one another. SO. FREAKING. CUTE. It really makes up for the times when they're little terrors.

7. An old high school teacher I had my senior year for AP Euro History. I don't think I've ever really mentioned her on here before, and technically I've given her the web address so she could even be reading this right now (if that's the case, hi Mrs. Alderman!!), but I kind of doubt that. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about my education in history and modern languages lately, and honestly if it weren't for her I would not be where I am today, education-wise. If it weren't for her, I would probably still be struggling through advanced biology and chemistry classes, thinking that I still had what it takes to become a doctor. Oh man, I can't even bear the thought of becoming a doctor anymore...But yeah, it was thanks to her that I finally realized that history could be fun, and that it is my true academic passion. AP Euro was such an amazing class, minus the exams of course. We did lots of fun activities, and her lectures were...well let's say they were interesting. I look back at old pictures and I have no idea how I ever deciphered that white board:

(I still remember this lecture...UNDERWEAR)

But at least the information was helpful. Here are some more pictures to prove how insanely amazing this class actually was:

We had mock trials for Oliver Cromwell complete with judges:
And Oliver Cromwell:
And then me, who played the ghost of King Charles I, the guy who Cromwell supposedly killed:
(The white make-up was such a pain in the ass to put on...)
But then Cromwell lost, and was convicted and sentenced to death via. beheading. So we carried him outside to the school courtyard:
 Laid him on the rock, watched Alderman proceed to take out her beheading stick:
 And then naturally I got to mark the line across his neck in which she would chop, since I was the guy he killed, and needed revenge obviously:
(I remember this event took place the day before I took my SATs for the second time. I was really antsy this whole day and was probably internally freaking out when this picture was taken. Ha.)

But then there would be days where she would just lecture, and something would happen where she would feel the need to put students on time-out because they were naughty:

And there would be days where we had 18th century Regency Balls:

Or World War I trench warfare simulations:

(My friend Elizabeth and me; yes, this picture did make it into the 2009-2010 yearbook...)

Wow okay that turned into a long topic, and now I'm super nostalgic. Great. My actual point was just going to be that I am grateful for having Mrs. Alderman as a teacher because she basically shaped me into the type of student (and person) that I am :)

8. (On a less serious note) Fanfiction and Pottermore. My two greatest sources of procrastination these days. Seriously though, if you're obsessed with any TV shows like I am, and some story line isn't going the way you want it to, read Fanfiction. I guarantee you there is some other distressed fan out there who understands your pain, and writes AU (alternate universe) stories that go better with your flow. I only really read Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and BBC's Sherlock fics, and some of them...AAAHHH so great. And I'll let you figure out for yourself what Pottermore is. If you like Harry Potter, then you should already know that it's the website J.K Rowling herself made for her fans that lets you go through the books at a more in-depth level and get sorted and make potions and duel and do lots of fun things. I'm a Hufflepuff, my wand is redwood with dragon core (11.5 inches, supple), my pet is a barn owl (I've always wanted one), and my username is WillowBlade6003. 

9. (Still less serious) Right now, Carrie Underwood. Her newest album "Blown Away" was just released yesterday, and it is amazing. Seriously, I can't stop listening. Here are my two favorite tracks so far:

Two Black Cadillacs - Carrie Underwood (I currently have this one on repeat...)

Blown Away - Carrie Underwood


But you wanna know what I'm not grateful for?? FUCKING 8AM THEOLOGY CLASSES. I AM TIRED.


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