Thursday, May 17, 2012

15 things.

I am sitting in theology right now, listening to my professor go on and on about the Second Vatican Council, and honestly, I am bored stiff. So, I decided to derp around on my blog for a little bit, all the while looking like I am actually paying of the many perks of being able to bring your laptop to class. Ha. However, since it's like 9am right now, I don't think I even have the energy to bust out an entire post filled with thought and feeling...Anyway, I thought it might be somewhat productive (well...productive in the sense that I am at least doing something while not paying attention in class, instead of just staring off into space...)  to make a list of 15 things that most people probably don't know about me. Normal things of course, not like my deep dark secrets or anything. Also I really don't have anything exciting to talk about yet, so I guess this is me just trying to pass the time on my blog too. Bear with me. Okay.

15 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

1. I have a very, very active imagination; I am almost always daydreaming about one thing of another, either about things that are real, or scenarios I made up in my head with completely fictional characters. Even if I look like I am paying attention to you when you're speaking to me, I'm probably only about 90% there. The other 10% of my brain is usually elsewhere. Not that I don't want to listen...the daydreaming just kind of comes naturally.

2. I am a proud Christian, and I don't always feel like I make that known enough. Now, I am not one of those close-minded conservatives (not that being conservative is the bad thing, more the close-mindedness) who frowns upon anyone who doesn't live by the Biblical scriptures (hell, I don't even live completely by them...), but I do try to apply at least their general message to my everyday life. I have worked really hard and gone through a lot to be able to identify myself as being a part of the Christian church, and I never want to take that privilege for granted.

3. I'm not a picky eater. There are only about five foods in the world that I do not like: 
(1) Green beans 
(2) Cucumbers 
(3) Squash (of any kind...unless of course pumpkin counts as a squash, because I love pumpkin-flavored things) 
(4) Curry 
(5) Tiramisu (it's one of those foods that to me looks good, but always ends up tasting horrible).

4. I was raised to be a non-confrontational person, which you would think would keep me out of trouble, but it's actually given me more trouble in the grand scheme of things. Basically it's made me not really know how to handle properly a lot of problems or issues that I have, so when I do express my discontent with a situation, I usually end up saying completely the wrong thing and creating a larger problem. I'll give you some examples.
(1) Telling a middle school teacher I didn't want to be in his class anymore and wanted to switch into a different teacher's class. He had upset me by not letting me switch and not giving me a reason why.
(2) Recently breaking up with an ex. I could have been a little more sensitive to the fact that he wasn't as happy about it as me...but I was mostly happy about the fact that I finally got the guts to say something.
(3) Telling people I don't like living in Seattle. Gotta keep up that perfect image, you know?

5. My absolute biggest pet peeve is when people chew with their mouth open. It's like come on, how old are we again? Food should remain inside the mouth where other people can't see it...

6. In my lifetime I have only really cried in front of about five people, most of which were completely involuntary. My mom is pretty much the only person who I can willingly cry in front of, even if the crying is about her.

7. There are a lot of people at Seattle University who make me feel uncomfortable and/or awkward, and who I feel don't like me because of reasons unknown to me. I have some of my best friends in the world here, but also some of my worst enemies.

8. Doing a study abroad for half of the 2012-2013 school year was not my first choice for my education, but I am still looking forward to it and think it will be a good experience.

9. I have double-jointed thumbs and fingers. The thumbs, I guess you could call them "hitchhiker's thumbs," but the fingers, I've only met one other person in my life who can make their fingers bend back further than normal. And the funny thing about my fingers is, when I tell people I am double-jointed they literally beg me to show them, then I say "noo because then you'll just say ewww..." and then they say "no I won't!" So I show them, and then lo and behold, "ewwww" .............

10. My absolute favorite place in the world is Disneyland, hands down. Anyone who takes me there, I will instantly love you (or love you more than I already do) and be forever grateful. Oh, and it's my goal to, after I graduate from college, work in Disneyland for at least a year. I am not letting anyone stop me from that dream, no matter what. It WILL happen, and I don't care what anyone says.

11. I am constantly paranoid about what other people think about me. Okay, maybe a lot of people do that, but believe it or not, friendships and family are really important to me, and even if you are someone who hates me or glares at me or both, odds are I still really care about you, and wish you still cared about me. And I really wish I could say hello to you.

12. I am a very approachable person! I have been told in the past that sometimes I look mad, when I'm really not, so that makes me unapproachable...but I really am! I like talking to people.

13. Traveling is my crack, and I so wish I could do more of it. More specifically, I'd like to go back to Boston and visit my best friend Margaret at Harvard, and another friend or two, and an old family member. (Just an fyi for good measure, I am strongly considering Boston College for grad. school. Weee!). And I'd like to go back to Wyoming, and I want to go to London, etc etc etc.

14. I have a creepishly good memory; really, I will remember people and their names even if it's been years since we've spoken or seen each other. In fact, I've rekindled a couple of old relationships in my life (not significant others, mind you, just normal people), and I do not regret a thing about it. It's nice to see how much people can still care about one another.

15. I have never been very determined to create change in my life [with what I already have], but I am now. I have to be.

I should pay attention now.


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