Monday, April 15, 2013

We love you, Boston.

Ever since I sat down at my desk at work late this morning and turned on the computer, I have been seeing (and reading) articles looking like this:

And this:

And this:

The list goes on and on. I think I can speak for everyone here when I come out and say I just don't get it. What in God's name could possess people to commit such crimes? First the Sandy Hook shooting, and now this? I mean what the actual fuck is wrong with people? Pardon my French but really, it's heartbreaking.

What is it that people think they can accomplish by shooting guns and setting off bombs and hurting innocent people? Does it give them some sort of like weird power trip or something...I just, I can't even. If anyone has any theories, let me know. I've had this giant lump in the back of my throat literally all day, looking through pictures of these poor people and wishing there was something I could do to help, instead of just sitting here all the way across the country and watching them suffer.

I know people who live in Boston, several of whom are very dear friends who I care for very much. Like for example this girl:

We've gone on many an adventure in that city, and it's insane to think that the streets we've walked on, the places we've visited, are now torn apart with pain, injury, and violence. It literally makes me sick to think of anyone hurting my friends over there, or anyone else I love for that matter (although thank God they're okay). And to think of all the stupid accusations and conspiracies that are most likely going to be flying around in the near future, like blaming the president or the US government or whatever, and how exhausting that's going to be to listen to, especially because we all know it's not true. But I don't really want to get into that. 

I guess I'm just waiting for the day when I can read through the Times and not see something about people somewhere suffering. Violence won't ever end with more violence. Hate won't ever end with more hate. War won't ever end with more war. This marathon was an event to honor the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook shooting last December, and just to further prove it, here's the link:

Every mile ran in that race today was to honor a little first grader, or a principal, or a teacher, or a school counselor. And then some awful, awful human being(s) makes a homemade bomb to set off near the 26th mile point. Just...why? Just...ugh. Just...fuck you whoever did this.

So for now...

And don't forget to tell the people you love just how much you love them!


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