Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm so distracted by everyth-SQUIRREL!

So I am writing to you all today to talk about one thing first and foremost: focus and my lack thereof.

I don't know if it's just because it's that time of the year or something, but lately it just seems like I cannot focus on school for the life of me. It's like I have too many other things on my mind, like this summer, next fall, Comps (or "Senior Thesis" in Occidental-speak), next winter break, my life, etc etc.

Basically it goes like this: I sit down with my chemistry book and notes, fully intending to study and kick ass on my exam next Monday morning (HA YEAH RIGHT), and then I start thinking about next month and summer and stuff and I get totally distracted. Summer should be fun though, right? Full of stuff like this:


 Or this:

Or even this:

Or, okay one more, this:

(Sunriver, Oregon one of my favorite places in the world)

But then life kind of slaps me in the face and is just like lol no you're a college student summer isn't a time to de-stress are you crazy? Summer is a time to stress and think about how poor you are and how you have no prospects in life and are going nowhere. Ugh. I hate that so much. I'm just over being stressed, you know? I'm sure you all are too, and I wish you didn't have any stress either! So we could all have like one big stress-free party!

Working together to be stress-free. haha okay. 
You know what I'd love to do most of all this summer? Besides stay in LA? Go on a vacation with my mom. Just me and her, going everywhere but going nowhere at the same time, because those are the best adventures, and she's actually a really good travel buddy. Just ask her. I've always wanted to do a really long trip with her, like a long drive, or hike, or whatever. Hmph.

I'm sorry this isn't a very interesting post. Really, school and work have taken over my life so I don't really have anything exciting to tell. I have a chem. midterm on Monday morning, but you already knew that. I'm studying a lot, I really am, but that subject kind of hates me and I find that I do just as well on exams when I don't study as when I do, so you know it doesn't really matter either way. I also have a paper due next Wednesday that I should have started by now, and my professor thinks I'm already finished with, but I haven't, because of reasons. And then I got a sore throat and decided to feel sorry for myself.

Oh! I forgot to tell you! Next week is also I-Week for Zeta (and all other sororities and fraternities). I think I stands for initiation. Basically that means I'm going to be over-my-head busy and not sleeping all week, BUT at the end I will (hopefully) be an active member of Zeta! 

Really though, I'm super glad I joined this lovely group of people. It's been swell, and next weekend is Oxy's Relay For Life which we have a team for so that should make the experience even swell-er. I'm excited.

Anywho, there's an update on my life for you people. Oh and the job interview I mentioned last time, it went okay. I'll just leave it at that. And let you know that I have another one this coming Wednesday. This summer so up in the air and what am I doing with my life and where am I going and asdfhhhjghjklmpw.


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