Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gratituesday number three: Les amis!

Pour les personnes qui ne parlent pas le français: Les amis = Friends

This Tuesday (and soon to be Wednesday, so forgive me if this gets posted shortly after midnight...) I am particularly grateful for the amazing friends I have in my life. For those people who know me better than probably anyone else, and for those who accept me for exactly who I am. I think this school year in particular, I have really been able to figure out who my true friends are, and honestly that is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Growing up, I never really had that set group of "best friends" until I reached my junior year of high school. I don't ever really look back on that and feel like I missed out, rather I look back and wish that I had had the group I found my junior year for a lot longer than I did. Until I met you guys - Bre, Claryn, Jana, Alicia, Jenness, Margaret and Haley - I never really knew what it was like to have a "family," and by that I mean like a family outside of my family. Once I finally got to know that feeling, I never wanted to let it go. All of the sleepovers, the weekend outings, New Year's celebrations, the times in class where we would talk to one another instead of pay attention, Cabo Sanbrera, the trip to Disneyland, etc etc etc., those are memories I wouldn't exchange for anything. And then of course there are the memories from before junior year, like middle school and freshman year with Cammisha (remember your 15th birthday party, and the sleepovers during thunderstorms, and oh man, the journals?!), and sophomore year with Isabel (remember how pretty much everything you said made me laugh my entire face off, and French class, and les cheez-its de Jasmina?!). And then my first best friends from when I was little, who I still get to talk to, Alexis and ...also Alexis. No joke. One being my neighbor/kindergarten classmate, and the other my friend from summer camp. Just thinking about all of these things right now really makes me so grateful that I had, and still have you all in my life; and it also makes me wonder who on Earth I would be today without you.

And now, not only do I have you people to be grateful for, but I have my very colorful group of college friends as well. First and foremost, my roommates, Arielle and Lauren. Honestly I really don't know where I'd be without the two of you; you put up with me both when I'm at my best and my worst, you listen to me when I babble on about the most meaningless shit, and you're there for me when I really need you the most. I knew the moment I came home that one night last fall after a choir concert and fell onto my bed sobbing, when you two were immediately by my side trying to make me feel better, I was a lucky girl. I am so blessed to be living with two of the kindest, funniest, craziest (weirdest) souls in the world. And then of course where would we be without the rest of our group of misfits (as Lauren and I like to say) - Andre, Nick, Joe and Shelby? You guys are seriously the greatest, and I don't think I have ever been more comfortable around a group of people since high school. I love everything we do together, from the late night outings, to eating dinner together every week, to our insane (and what-the-fuck?) conversations, to the fact that I don't need to contact you first in order to know that you're there for me. You're always there to ask me are you okay? and that means more to me than you'll ever know. But, just so you know, I am only just a little bit glad that I won't be around next year to witness the clusterfuck that will be the six of you all living together in a three-bedroom, one-bathroom house. You're on your own there. Ha.

There are many, many other people who I could write about on here too. Like you, Nichole, who I've actually already written about like a month or so ago. Even though we don't get to see one another as often as we'd like anymore, I am still grateful to call you my friend. I think I have probably told you more than a lot of other people, because I know you're always there to listen, and I'm comfortable around you. Also, who else can I squeal over Harry Potter with, or show pictures and Tumblrs of Daniel Radcliffe to? And then there are your roommates, who hopefully will read this too, and Alie, Jaimie, Kendra and Haya; I remember spending countless hours in Nichole and Kelsey's room or in the Bell 5 lounge last year just hanging out, the late night walks taking pictures downtown, and the trip(s) to Neighbors, honestly I think those are some of my best memories too (along with pretty much everything Bell 5 related). Oh, and watching Kate's video recording of Shane jumping out of Nichole's closet is pretty high up on the list too...Speaking of which, Kate if you ever need a German studying buddy, I really should be keeping up on the language...And then I can't forget the choir buddies, Ashley and Margaret. You two make seven-day-a-week rehearsals at least somewhat bearable.

Finally last but not least, the rather large group of people I spent (and still spend actually) quality time with freshman year: Art (thanks for the PHIL 220 books by the way, you should be happy to know that they are intensely marked up and highlighted with notes in the margins...), Marina, Jackie, Micha, Haider, Hassan, Scott, Kelli, and Becca (granted, Arielle, Joe, Nick and Andre were a part of this group too, but I already mentioned them so whatever. haha). I think my favorite memories with you guys are probably one: Quadstock, two: birthday dinner(s), but particularly the one involving The Cheesecake Factory, and three: screaming my head off whilst watching Insidious in Art and Haider's dark room. Y'all (as Kelli would say...sigh, Eastern Oregonians...just kidding ;) ) made last year probably one of the greatest I could ask for.

Anyway, now that I have exhausted as many memories as I can think of in one night, (and goddamnit it's already 12:50am Wednesday much for Gratituesday...gah), I just want to say, thanks you guys, for making my life what it is. Without you I would be...lonely. Very, very lonely. And sad. And wondering what I would do with myself. And really, none of those things are good. And I am sure there are people here who I have neglected to mention, but I swear I didn't do it on purpose! Regardless of whose name is listed in here, you all are amazing.

Je suis qui je suis aujourd'hui à cause de mes amis :)

Lots of love!


Photo order: L to R

(Bre, Me, Claryn, junior year, 2009) 

(Bre, Claryn, junior year, 2009) 

(Jana, Bre, Claryn, junior year, 2009)

(Bre, Isabel, Me, senior year, 2010)

(Isabel, senior year, 2010)

(Jana, Bre, Alicia, Isabel, senior year, 2010)

(Me, Bre, senior year, 2010)

(Me, Jenness, summer after senior year, 2010, Disneyland)

(Disneyland! 2010)

(California Adventure! 2010)

(Jenness, Me, summer after senior year, 2010, Disneyland)

(Jenness, Me, summer after senior year, Disneyland, 2010)

(Me, Alexis (neighbor), kindergarten, 1997)

(Margaret, Bre, Me, Jana, summer after freshman year of college, 2011)

(Margaret, Jana, Bre, summer after freshman year of college, 2011)

(Jana, summer after freshman year of college, 2011)

(Margaret, Me, freshman year, 2011)

(Nichole, Arielle, Me, freshman year, 2011)

(Me, Nichole, freshman year, 2011)

(I don't know this person, Me, Alie, Daisy, Alex, Jaimie, Cory, Nichole, Hailey, Kathleen, freshman year, 2011)

(Shane, Nichole, Kelsey, Robbie, freshman year, 2011)

(Kathleen, Alie, Jaimie, sophomore year, 2011)

(Haya, Arielle, Kendra, Kathleen, Kelsey, sophomore year, 2012)

(Joe, Andre, Lauren, Alexa, Me, Arielle, Shelby, Erin F., Erin V., Nick, sophomore year, 2011)

(Kelsey, Me, freshman year, 2010)

(Nichole, Kate, Me, Kelsey, freshman year, 2011)

(Nichole, Art, Marina, Shane, sophomore year, 2012)

(I don't know who this person is, Jackie, I don't know who that person is either, Hassan, Kelli, Haider, Vishakha, Becca, Me, Nick, Scott, Joe, Andre, freshman year, 2011)

(Arielle, Art, freshman year, 2011)

(Scott, Jackie, Haider, freshman year, 2011)

(Nick, Joe, Andre, sophomore year, 2011)

(Lauren, Me, Arielle, Marina, Art, sophomore year, 2011)

(Me, Lauren, Alexa, Erin F., Arielle, Shelby, sophomore year, 2011)

(Nichole, Me, Art, Marina, sophomore year, 2011)

(Art, Marina, Alexa, Arielle, Lauren, Joe, Nick, Andre, sophomore year, 2011)

*Cammisha, I would post a picture of you and I together in middle school (8th grade grad.), but I figured you might hate me for it, so I refrained. You're welcome :)*

Aaaaand it took me around 45 minutes to collect all of those pictures, so it is now 2am. Now it's really not Gratituesday anymore. Hmph.

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