Friday, December 30, 2011

One way street.

There's always an unbelievably, overwhelmingly sad moment when you realize that you will never again see the one person you would give anything to look at just one more time, or give one last hug to. And it's even more unbelievably sad when you realize that that person could not give a rat's ass. It's like, you pour your absolute heart and soul into a...relationship I guess you could call it, but then life separates you, and suddenly everything becomes a one way street. Why does that happen? Why is it that in almost every single human relationship there is always one person who tries exponentially harder than the other? LIFE IS NOT A ONE WAY STREET, and I am so sick and tired of being the one way. Why can't I just be like everyone else apparently and just stop caring so much? Because sometimes, caring is simply exhausting, and I am exhausted. Je suis trop fatiguĂ©e.


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