Thursday, December 29, 2011

Old stories, new friends.

We all have those little memories in life that none of us likes to revisit, right? Those aches, those pains from your past that were so profound, that had such a great affect on your life. You could definitely say I have my fair share of those. Do you ever feel guilty about feeling the way that you do about certain things in your life? For example, your dog dies in a tragic car accident (okay sorry that was the first thing that came to mind); you are completely torn up about this dog that you loved, but then you step back and think, "there are people out in the world who have lost a great deal more than I have, they have lost their parents, their lovers, their siblings - so do I really have the right to feel as much pain as I do about what happened to me (or my dog)?" It took me a long time to really come to the conclusion that, yes, I do have the right to feel the way that I do about certain situations in my life, whether they be good or bad. At about the time when I needed it most, I was recommended a book to read, entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower. In said book, I stumbled upon a quote:

"I think that if I ever have kids, and they are upset, I won't tell them that people are starving in China or anything like that because it wouldn't change the fact that they were upset. And even if somebody else has it much worse, that doesn't really change the fact that you have what you have." - Charlie

Gosh that quote is so right. At least to me it is. Anyway, the original point to this seemingly long post actually had something to do with the title. Fancy that. What I really wanted to say was that tonight I paid a little visit to said memories from my past. Sophomore year of high school to be exact. What were those memories you ask? Ha. That story is for another night (and another post). It was the first time that I really realized that a new friend would be there to listen to an old story. I mean, I have told new friends plenty of things, but nothing as in depth as I told tonight. I guess you could say it was somewhat...freeing. Despite the tears, the cringing, and the feeling of just wanting to scream or jump out a window, it was very freeing to have someone listening to your past heartaches. 

So my advice to you, dear readers, don't bottle things up. Yeah I admit the number of times I have actually taken that advice I can probably count on one hand, but still. Feel free to think about as many starving people in China as you want, but that doesn't change the fact that you feel what you feel. Don't feel bad or guilty about it, just feel. Or cry, or scream, whatever the hell you want.

Alrighty, now that I have exhausted the word "feel" entirely too much, it's time to bid thee goodnight. Sleep well people.


P.S. Read this book, now:

P.P.S. Here is a picture of a dog who is in fact not dead, merely sleeping. Yeah, my Addie is a little weird, but lovable nonetheless.

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