Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So. First of all, before I really get started on this thing, let me just say, I have blogged before. A lot. Well, not a lot, but a fair amount. The only difference between the before-blogging and now is that before, my blogging didn't really have a specific purpose. It was mostly just me, starting college, then deciding that I should just document random aspects of it; basically, if I had a particularly exciting day or got an A on a paper, I would write about it. Naturally, after about a month and a half I lost interest because I eventually began to feel like I wasn't really writing for anything. I remember one of my then-roommates asking me one night, "Why do you blog?" And I couldn't answer her, not really. 

Anyway, I guess the reason for my wanting to start up this new blog is to create some space where I can just empty out all of my thoughts. I'm not really sure how many people know this about me, but I tend to be one of those people who overthinks literally everything. The last quarter I completed of college (Fall 2011) was probably the time where the said overthinking got a little too out of hand. I started having all of these thoughts and feelings and really nowhere to put them, and nowhere to express them (because I don't always talk a lot). However, according to a lot of people I have talked to, it is apparently very normal for a college student to feel lost, overwhelmed, or just plain confused on what they want to do or where they want to go with their life; I guess the fact that, last quarter, I joined with the masses of people who feel one (or all) of those things kind of made me begin to overthink all the time. And ramble apparently because that is what I am doing right now. Sorry about that. 

I guess what I am trying to say here is that this blog will consist solely of my thoughts, random or not. I will probably spend some time filling in the gaps with things like "Ohhhh my Godddd I hate my life today!!!!!" or "Ahhhh I am so happy the world is made of sunshine and rainbows and happiness and bunny rabbits!!!," but what I can guarantee is that I will be spending some time talking about how I really feel about things going on in my life, past and present. I don't really want this to be private. I want to spill everything (okay, maybe not everything), but I want the people who read this to feel like they could really get to know me if they wanted to. Anyway, I hope you (whoever you are, dear reader) enjoy this blog almost as much as I will probably enjoy writing it. 

Until later, au revoir! 


P.S. Oh yes, you should know now that I will probably at random points during my posts either break out into complete French, or use little snippets of the language. Please bear with me, it's entertaining.

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