Monday, April 16, 2012

I never do surveys.

Today I am in a really unproductive mood. Why? I have no freaking idea. So what do I do when I am feeling unusually unproductive? I take pointless surveys that I find from other friends' blogs of course! Okay not really, but today just seems to be a really good day to take a survey, just for your viewing (and informational) pleasure. Yay! An fyi though, I might try to make the answers a little more in-depth, because this is still a blog after all...wouldn't want to lose my artistic effect. Anyway, I digress.

Survey time!

What is your worst fear? 
-Falling. Note: Not heights, just falling from them. I generally like standing on high surfaces...for example, I love going up in the Space Needle.
-Spiders. Those fuckers can die, preferably underneath my shoe or in my vacuum cleaner.
-Getting shot. As strange as that may be, I am constantly paranoid that one day some stranger on the street will come up behind me and shoot me in the head.
-Never being able to be in that place that makes me feel the most at home. I think I know where it is but whether or not I will be able to settle there is unclear. And that scares me.
-Losing any close family member. Let's just not think about that.

What do you often find yourself thinking about? 

-My junior year of college seems to be lurking around up there a lot lately.

Who is the most important person to you, and why?
-I really don't think I could narrow this down to just one person. There are so many people who have helped shape me to be the person I am today it's crazy. However if I were allowed to list an animal, I would have to say my cat, Sadie, who has been in my life since I was five years old. I mean, who can resist this face?

Is there anything you wish you could tell someone but can't? 
-Oh goodness yes, but I don't like to revisit old memories from my sophomore year of high school very often. That's my dark place. But I also have good things to say too, like certain I love you's to certain someones, but I can't really bring myself to say it.

What is your mood most often?

-Pretty good. Really depends on who I'm with though.

Who are the people/persons that can always make you happy?  

-My best friends in Seattle.
-My best friends from high school, Bre in particular.
-(Most of) my family.

What are your most wanted desires or dreams?  

-Right now, I am sort of at an in-between I guess you could say. I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life just yet, but I do know I want to do a lot of traveling and have a profession that involves helping others. A lawyer maybe. I also want to have a family, with three kids preferably. I've already thought up names. No rush on that one though...

Who do you hate/ strongly dislike the most?

-Umm I feel like that really should not be stated on the internet. Well actually, fuck it. I don't care if she sees; my ex-roommate from my freshman year of college. She seemed to take joy out of making my life hell.

Why do you hate/ strongly dislike them? 
-See above answer.

What do you do when you're extremely angry?  

-First, I always cry, but only if/when I can find a space to be alone in (only about five people have ever seen me seriously cry). I'm not really much of a yeller though, because I was kind of raised not to be super confrontational with others when I have an issue with them, therefore I haven't had a lot of practice with yelling at people.

What's the hardest thing you've had to go through in your life? 

-Sophomore year of high school, and basically everything that came with it.

Do you think you can completely trust anyone? 


What do you think of love and heartbreak?

-I think both are almost always unavoidable, the latter unfortunately.

What is your idea of complete happiness? 

-Finding that one place that makes you feel whole and completely at ease. I'm still looking for that. Oh, and having people in your life who you really love, and who really love you back, that's important too.

What really makes you angry?
-Ignorant people.
-People who tell you that certain things, like being gay or getting an abortion, will earn you a one-way ticket to hell. Those people can go to hell. Gah now I'm angry just thinking about that.
-People who are mean to others just to be mean.
-Bad drivers.
-When my laptop decides to stop working (first world problem).

Do you look up to any celebrity? If so, why? 

-Ellen Degeneres.
-Sandra Bullock.
-Kate Walsh.
-Oprah Winfrey.
-All of them do so much charity work and are always giving to and looking out for others. They inspire me to be a less selfish person.

What do you think awaits in your future? 

-Love, peace of mind.

Do you think the world is changing for the better or worst? 

-I actually agree with my friend's previous answer to this question. The world is sort of changing for the better, but also for the worse because of certain unavoidable conflicts. I think if everyone just kind of minded their own business (so to speak) in terms of how other countries chose to rule/live their lives, then there would be slightly more peace in the world. If that makes sense.

You have to live in your hometown for the rest of your life. Reaction?  

-There could be worse things to happen to me. I actually kind of like Eugene believe it or not, so long as I can vacation occasionally.

Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be truly happy? 

-Ha no.

If you knew you were to die in a month, what would you do with your time? 

-Withdraw from SU.
-Spend time with my best friends in Seattle.
-Spend time with family/in Eugene.
-Go back to Boston (there is a greater reason behind that).
-Go back to Disneyland. 

Do you think you make the best choices most of the time? 

-In my mind, I usually know what the right choice is for myself, but my issue is more of the consideration of what others would think if I made said choice. Unfortunately, that consideration usually shapes the decisions I ultimately make, regardless if they're what's best for me.

Have you ever told someone you care for them and been turned down? 

If you could do anything illegal and not get caught, what would it be?

-Get drunk without my pesky conscience flaring up.

Do you really say everything you want to all of the time? 
-Pffft no.

What is the one thing you want most out of life? 


What is something people normally don't know about you? 
-My feelings get hurt pretty easily/I get attached to people way too easily.
-I have a creepy good memory.
-I do not like sports, and haven't for a long time.
-I have had my heart broken before.
-I only dislike about five foods.

If you're crying, what's most likely the reason? 

-Something someone said to me recently that hurt me.
-Old memories.
-I'm missing someone.
-I'm watching one of these movies: Titanic, My Girl, Stepmom, The Land Before Time, The Christmas Shoes.

Do you think you need to have friends? 

-Yes, yes, and yes. I don't know what I would do without my best friends.

Are you afraid of divorce? 

-No, I just hope it never has to happen to me. It always fucks with kid's lives one way or another.

What animal do you most relate to and why? 

-A bird I guess? I've always kind of wished I could fly from place to place just for the hell of it.

Do you believe all people are equal? 


Any guilty pleasures?  

-One Direction.
-Soap operas (rarely).
-Swedish Fish.
-Buttercream frosting (on something, not by itself...).

Is money important to you? 

-Yes, but I don't think it can define happiness.

If war spilled into your country, what would you do?  

-Attempt to move to Canada. Or France.

Do you believe in yourself? 

-For the most part, yes.

Are people generally good? 

-I think people believe they do what they do for what they believe are the right reasons, even if those reasons are wrong. If that makes sense.



P.S. I saw Titanic in 3D with my aunt yesterday, and oh my god, so incredible. That movie. I cried my eyes out several times, and now I can't stop listening to this. So many tears.

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