Friday, November 22, 2013

The watering hole.

You know how in Mean Girls there's this scene where Cady's like at the mall with Regina and the rest of the Plastics, and her inner monologue starts talking about like, if she and Regina were animals in the African desert they would have settled their "differences" by clawing each other to death in the watering hole? And then she pretends to tackle Regina to the ground and everyone surrounds them, howling in wild animal-speak: "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" 

Well, I had one of those moments today.

Not physically of course, but after I got out of class I walked past this person who, for most of last year, I considered one of my best friends. Turns out they didn't feel the same about me, and by that I mean they A. don't talk to me anymore, and B. they don't make eye contact with me anymore. For whatever reason, I basically don't exist to them anymore. Of course, being the 21 year old college senior that I am, I've gotten over it. Yeah, losing a friend sucks, but I graduated middle school (with a 4.0, mind you). If someone wants to shut me out for no apparent reason - despite all my efforts (and a half dozen emails) - then I'm not going to kill myself over trying to be in their life, if you catch my drift. 

Anywho, I had just gotten out of class and grabbed a coffee before work. I was in a decent mood; the dining hall was serving Thanksgiving food for lunch (INCLUDING MARTINELLI'S. SCORE), the class I'd just gotten out of is probably my favorite college course out of the three and a half years I've been a student, and it was pleasantly chilly outside...aka. a solid 60-65 degrees - winter in LA.

But then I saw them. Just, you know, sitting there on the patio eating lunch and chattering away with another someone I'm not altogether too fond of. 

(By the way...I'm only really not fond of two people at my school, and I'm talking about them now. I don't hate everyone I swear).

The first thing I thought of when I saw them was to just casually walk past them from behind, like "oh, nothing's wrong I'm just minding my own business," and then veryyy sneakily take my left hand and SHOVE THAT SMUG FACE STRAIGHT INTO THE MASHED POTATOES...with a soundtrack of wild animal noises playing in the background.

Yeah, it's been one of those weeks.

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