Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tomorrow my life changes.

Hello everyone. Please ignore the part in my last post where I said what I was going to write about next, because that is a lie. I thought I was going to write about that next, but then stuff came up and I didn't have a lot of time to finish it. I might finish it though...one day. Also, what I'm going to talk about in this post is very important in terms of events in my life, and I really want to share it with you.

Tomorrow, I am moving to Los Angeles. Yes, moving.

Can you believe it? Yeah, neither can I just yet, which is funny because I have literally spent the entire day packing, with the help of two of my best friends in the afternoon. Right now, I have three suitcases as well as countless totes and little storage thingies packed and sitting in the car, ready to leave bright and early in the morning. Wow! I mean seriously, it is so crazy to think that I am actually sitting here telling you that I am moving to LA tomorrow, when it seems like only yesterday it was January and I was telling you how I needed a change in my life, and that California was only a pipe dream.


I am going. I am going to find the change that I need in my life; I want to find adventure, fun, [more] friends [because I already have amazing ones], sunshine, and maybe even do some homework along the way. I am ready, and I can feel it with every fiber of my being. I know that many people fear change, and I admit 99% of the time I am one of those people. But I think my issue with change has mostly been about the fact that throughout my entire life, I have never really had any control over the changes that came my way. Sometimes I may have thought that I did, but in retrospect...not really. It's always been forced upon me, laughing in my face and basically mocking how little control I had over my life. Well not this time, bitches. I took control of this one, and I am going to make it work. I am going to go after the things that I want, and just relax and enjoy the ride.

But you know what another funny thing about this move is? You know that feeling you get when you're just like...in the right place at the right time, and everything around you just feels...great? I'm certain this feeling doesn't just apply to me. Right now, I just feel overwhelmed by how strong that feeling is taking over my mind and soul. I just feel like where I am going is right, Occidental is right. I have great friends, from Eugene, Seattle, and all over the world; I never ever want to forget or lose touch with any of them, and I have no regrets with how I've spent the past two years. But my going south down I-5 rather than north up just feels right. I'm sorry I am using the word right entirely too much in this post but I really can't think of a better word to use.

Oh, but you should know, I don't start my Occidental orientation until this coming Saturday, soooo...Mom and I are spending Thursday at this place:

Disneyland ftw.

Tomorrow we will probably leave Eugene...well super early, I don't know the exact time. I just know I won't be driving because I will most likely be falling asleep in the front seat. Woot. It's just going to be Mom and me going down, in my car. Oh yes, my car. Well, not entirely my car; it's still in my mom's name but yes, I get to keep the car down in LA with me this school year. Praise Occidental and the holy gods above for free student parking. Don't worry, I won't be doing any serious adventuring with it, for one because LA traffic SUCKS, and for two because I will probably have a lot more homework than I'd like to believe just yet (I'm still in denial about that part...). But it will be nice to have when I need to you know go to the store, or get up early on a Saturday morning and go over to the park and hike.

Realistically, I should probably be getting to bed soon because of again, the fact that I need to leave super early (I'm going to guess around 6am). I just wanted to take some time and inform you of what is going on in my life tomorrow, and for...well the rest of this year. I will try to get on and post again in the next couple of days to tell you about my orientation agenda, and I'll be posting pictures and stuff, but I think now I'm just going to leave you with what I've said above. 

Goodnight jolly people!


P.S. Please don't hate me when I tell you that one of the factors behind my writing less on here was because I have started writing Fanfiction. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I started a Grey's Anatomy fic last week centered around like the end of season 1 to the beginning of season 3, and I'm super addicted to it.

Rated T/M

Oh yeah, and I finished work on Friday, August 10. Needless to say I don't think my jeans will ever recover.

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