Thursday, July 19, 2012

Inappropriate Tumblr.

So for those of you who have a Tumblr blog and/or just stalk random people's Tumblrs from time to time, you would know what I'm talking about when I tell you that sometimes people post Q and A things (to their own blog) for their followers to ask them, so that they can A said Q's (on their own blog). And you would also know what I'm talking about when I tell you that sometimes said Q and A's are slightly inappropriate because let's face it, Tumblr folk are a special bunch who live in a bubble where everything is like, asdfghjkjkghsf, or:


Well tonight, dear readers, I am in a very interesting/good mood, and it's late, so I decided to enlighten you all with a slightly inappropriate Tumblr survey, on my blogspot. I know right, go crazy. So here goes.

1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
-Well, considering that person was one of my best girlfriends from high school, that would be a negatory. I may bee bi-curious, but I'm not that bi-curious.

*For those of you who don't know/never learned the difference, bi-curious does not mean bi-sexual (not that being bi-sexual is a bad thing at all). For me it just means that I am 99.9% straight, but there are times when I ever so slightly entertain the thought of what it would be like to be with a that.*

2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
-HAHAHAHAHA. No. That hasn't happened for several months. I did however, talk about him today...that seems to happen more often than not these days, and it's kind of making me feel more and more like this:


3. Have you taken someones virginity?
-Ha no.

4. Is trust a big issue for you?
-Umm...yes, actually. There's been some stuff that's happened in my recent past that has made me lose about 90% of the trust I had in some people. I guess it just depends on the person. To me, to say you trust a person with your life is a lot different than saying that you really trust them. I mean, I believe saving another person's life is just human nature. You see a person in danger, your first instinct (I hope) is to do whatever you can to help them (or at least that would be my first instinct). So that person could trust me to save their life. But trusting a person to save your life is a lot different than trusting them to keep your secrets, never hurt you, never keep things from you (that could hurt you), or be there for you when you feel like everything around you is completely falling apart, because none of those things are exactly human nature - they are dependent upon how a person was raised to interact with others. The people who I have lost about 90% of my trust in, I would still trust with my life, but will never again trust them never to hurt me. If that makes any sense...maybe it's just me. But you get what I'm trying to say, right?

5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
-Well, seeming how I don't really like anyone like that right now, no. *refer back to question 2*

6. What are you excited for?
-The future, OCCIDENTAL, getting to spend time with my extended family who is in Eugene visiting from Michigan this week, work (driving Greta), PAYCHECKS BECAUSE MONEY STRESSES ME THE FUCK OUT, and some other stuff.

7. What happened tonight?
-I actually had a very lovely evening tonight. First, I had dinner with my family (mom's side) at my grandparents' house, and by family I mean my grandparents (duh), mom, cousins McKenna, Kayla, Becca, and Emily, and aunts Sandy and Sheila. Then McKenna, Kayla, Emily and I went to Sweet Life (a bakery in downtown Eugene) and splurged on more chocolate than my hips will be able to handle in the morning. Then the four of us went back to my grandparents' house and sat in the living room with Aunt Sheila and my grandma and talked for two hours about just about everything. 

*Just an fyi and so I don't have to explain later, my Aunt Sheila and cousin Emily live in Michigan and are visiting Eugene for the week and staying at my grandparents' house. Aunt Sheila is my mom's younger sister, and if she knew I was writing this, she would probably tell me to say she is my mom's cooler younger sister (since she has two younger sisters) or something like that...oh so hilarious. I wish she and Emily lived closer.*

8. Do you think it's disgusting when girls get really wasted?
-That depends. Getting wasted is not really my thing, but I'm not one to judge if other girls want to do that to their livers. I just don't want to be the one cleaning up the vomit the next morning.

9. Is confidence cute?
-That also depends. It's good to be confident in who you are and in what you do/want to do/believe in, but confidence to the point of cockiness is just a complete turn-off. You can be confident without thinking yourself to be better than everyone else, because I hate to tell you this, you're not. Also it really bugs me when people are overly confident about stuff that they are clearly wrong about - i.e. a political or religious issue, or I don't know, think of something else that's controversial - and I don't mean wrong because I think they're wrong, I mean wrong because actual facts already proved them wrong and they're just too ignorant to realize that.

10. What is the last beverage you had?
-Dragonfruit flavored VitaRain. It's kind of like Vitamin Water and it's calorie free and it's got lots of vitamins and shit in it, hence the name. It's actually in my line of sight right now and I am contemplating taking another sip.

11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
-Not many. My best friend Andre is actually the first to come to my mind; he is probably the only person I actually trust with completely everything.

12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
-Yes I do! I either roll them up so they turn into capri's, or I have them rolled all the way down and wear my boots over them. They're super comfortable, if I do say so myself.

13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
-Hmm I actually don't know yet. But I heard rumor that I might be going to the Woodburn Outlet Mall Saturday day, so that has a lot of potential to be fun/painful for my wallet.

14. What are you going to spend money on next?
-Probably gas for my car.

15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
-Not anymore.

16. Do you think you'll change in the next 3 months?
-Oh yes, but hopefully for the better. And hopefully within that time I will find more inner peace of mind.

17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
-That is actually a tough question, because the number of people in life who I can really talk to about anything has been decreasing lately. But there are a few people who come to mind. Again, Andre (except for when he gives me the judgmental face...yes Andre you do know what I'm talking about...), and then my best friend Bre, my former roommate Lauren, and then my friend Kate.

18. The last time you felt broken?
-Hmm I answered this one on Tumblr too, albeit more in-depth. This summer. Too many internalized thoughts, not enough places to let them out (those places are decreasing too).

19. Have you had sex today?
-Nooooo no no, goodness no.

20. Are you starting to realize anything?
-Oh yes. That I am really looking forward to the future, that I love my extended family to pieces, that I really love my summer job working on a farm, and that I really do not like the aftertaste of peas.


P.S. Listen to this:

Katharine McPhee's voice speaks to my soul. And I am obsessed with this show (NBC's Smash), which is unfortunate because next season doesn't start until next February. Crap. Oh yeah, and my other current show obsession is ABC's Once Upon a Time, so like, go watch that one too and stuff. Lana Parrilla (Evil Queen from Snow White) is my new[est] girl crush. It is 2:12am, what is my life.

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