Friday, March 23, 2012

University of the Pacific.

First off, let me just say that I am a bit of an idiot, because when leaving Seattle two days ago I very wisely left my camera cord in my desk drawer, and therefore cannot upload any pictures until I get back Sunday night. Go me. So, while reading this post, you will not be able to enjoy any pictures, until Sunday night anyway when I can post some. Sorry about that people.

However, in the meantime, I am so loving being down here in California visiting Bre for the last half of spring break. Granted, Stockton isn't the most ideal place to live, but the University of the Pacific (or the campus at least), is amazing. I did quite a bit of walking around today while Bre was in math class and took somewhere close to 3,000 pictures. Actually it was probably closer to 40, but still. The student population as a whole isn't that much bigger than Seattle University, but the campus is about three times the size, so it seems like there's like, three times the people. Today, the temperature was a whopping 65 degrees with abundant sunshine, aka. time to break out the shorts, sit outside in a lawn chair, and read (The Hunger Games) for an hour and a half. Now, as someone who's spent the entirety of their life in the Northwest, I take what I can get, but it should please you to know that I did get sunburned. Yup, no good deed goes unpunished...does that saying really work here? I don't know, I mean going out in the sun could be considered a "good deed," and then getting burned could be the "punished..." whatever, I used it. And I'm sunburned. Woot.

(Oh, and I wore sandals for the first time in 2012...)

Altogether, the trip down here has gone quite swimmingly. The plane ride was probably one of the most turbulent hour and 45 minutes of my life, thanks to all of the snow that seems to be plaguing Oregon at the moment (5-7 inches...jerks), so needless to say when we landed and I got in the airport I strongly considered kissing the ground, literally. My stomach can only handle so much ginger ale. On the drive down to Stockton from the Sacramento airport, not only did Bre and I stop at In N' Out Burger before we even made it back to her dorm, but we also noted the road signs on I-5 and contemplated how much trouble we would get into if we just drove the extra 395 miles to LA...aka. Disneyland. Ha. Holy Mother of God I want to go back.

Once we got back to her dorm, Bre had to leave for two hours to go to work at the library (which is open for 24 hours, unlike SU's, which so conveniently closes at either 11 or 6pm...), from midnight to 2am, leaving me to make myself at home in her dorm room/find the showers down the hall/read/go to bed. The next day was pretty relaxing, we basically just hung out and then I got to eat dinner with a gaggle of her fellow engineering fraternity buddies (Theta Tau); they are all very interesting individuals if I do say so myself. Although I should add that I didn't really understand a word they said throughout the entire meal - they speak math, engineer, and Greek System, none of which are really my forte. haha. But it was good, meeting new people is good.

Tomorrow, we plan on making the adventurous journey (or drive) to San Francisco. Actually, we plan on driving to Pleasanton and then taking the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) into the city, and then just chilling for awhile. I haven't really been to San Francisco since I was 12, I mean I spend an evening there when I was 13, but there wasn't much exploring done on that trip. So I'm pretty excited. The forecast calls for 57 degrees and showers, but I got my sun fix, and rain is nothing I can't handle. I do live in Seattle after all...

So I think I will leave you with that, as your vacation update. Oh, and I should tell you, I PASSED PHILOSOPHY. Hell yes I did. I mean it was a B- (aka. the lowest grade I've received in my life thus far...but I'm not bitter), but I freaking passed without getting a C, and that's all that matters. That's all I asked for. The rest of my grades weren't too bad, especially considering I really did not care this past quarter. I don't know, there's just something about winter quarter that kills all of my motivation completely...hmph. Anyway, I guess I can just say I got A's in the classes that I wanted, and I got decent grades in the other ones, and I'm still on the Dean's List. Now, onto spring quarter! Ugh I really don't want to go back to school.


P.S. I also read this book over break, and finished it last night:

SO GOOD. Seriously incredible, go read it, and don't put it down. Gah, Jodi Picoult, you are a goddess. Also, listen to this song:

Yes, it is Ke$ha, but it's her actual voice, like her non-autotuned voice, and it's incredible. Goodnight people!

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