Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The little things I've learned from 2013.

1. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

2. Tell the people you love how much you love them, as often as you can.

3. Show the people you love how much you love them, as often as you can.

4. My 9th grade English teacher was right - you really can't start that term paper the night before it's due (and expect to do well).

5. It feels a lot better to give than to receive.

6. Never let anyone invalidate your feelings (including yourself).

7. Life is short. Have dessert.

8. No one is ever going to love you "most."

9. Travel more. Visit new places.

10. Take the time to go explore the city you live in, even if it means going alone.

11. Set aside 15 minutes and read a chapter of scripture (or whatever helps you unwind) every day. 

12. Take the time to message an old friend you haven't seen or talked to for a while.

13.  The City of Angels truly is one of the greatest places in the world.

14. Take any feedback given to you with grace. If good, be humble. If bad, don't get defensive. Use it as a learning experience.

15. Never settle for someone who makes you feel second best.

16. If you've hurt someone, apologize. Try to understand what you've done wrong and how to fix it.

17. Stop expecting others to apologize, even if you think they should.

18. You can't control anyone but yourself.

19. You have the right to remove a negative presence from your life. Don't feel guilty about it.

20. Don't let fear stop you from doing something you need to do, or want to do.

21. There is a huge difference between wanting someone and needing someone.

22. It's okay to cry.

23. Never apologize for crying.

24. Volunteer more.

25. Call your grandmother(s).

26. Dream big, then go out and do.

27. Give more hugs (unless the person on the receiving end doesn't like hugs...air hugs are cool too, and I used to hate being touched too so I don't judge).

28. Don't let anyone else try to pick your friends.

29. Being an Atheist is okay. Shaming religions and spirituality as silly and not real is not okay. 

30. Being a Christian is okay. Being a homophobic, racist, misogynistic, or otherwise hateful person in the name of Christianity is not okay. (Seriously, it gives Jesus, not to mention the rest of us, a bad rep).

31. No matter what you do, there is always going to be someone who does it better. However, that should never stop you from trying your best.

32. If it won't matter in five years, it's not worth your stress right now.

33. Writing is good for the soul. Take the time to go to the park with your notebook and pencil, focus on your breathing, and just write

34. Thank your teachers/professors for all of their hard work. Seriously, they spent years going to school just so you could get the best education possible.

35. Healthy foods really do make you feel better. Except for green beans, those things are gross.

36. It's totally fine to have an obsession with a celebrity or movie/TV show, just don't let it completely take over your life.

37. Don't be ashamed about getting addicted to Candy Crush - it happens to the best of us.

38. Get up early and do something productive. Looking back, it'll make you feel really good about yourself.

39. Never tell yourself that you shouldn't miss someone.

40. Appreciate your friends for who they are. Don't try to turn people into someone they're not. You obviously chose to be friends with them for a reason.

41. That being said, change happens. People change. It's also okay to let go of things that need to be let go of.

42. Go to the beach and watch a sunrise/sunset (depending on which coast you live on).

43. Listen to the advice of your elders, even if it's not what you want to hear.

44. Pray more, worry less.

45. Don't ask someone to do something that you yourself wouldn't do.

46. Don't be judgmental of people who party/drink/smoke/etc. more than you do. There's more than one way to have fun.

47. Sing in the shower. If your housemates are gone, sing louder.

48. Stop focusing on what you don't have, and instead appreciate what you do.

49. Not getting straight A's does not mean your life is over.

50. Your GPA does not define you.

51. Take the time to play with your pets. They won't be around forever.

52. Whenever you are debating on whether to stay in or go out, go out. You can always leave if you get tired/don't like it.

53. Everything happens for a reason.

54. Use the experiences and tribulations from your past to create a better future.

55. Don't let people walk all over you, or else they'll never stop.

56. Take the time to learn people's names.

57. Even in LA, long drives can be very relaxing.

58. Yes, we as Americans have the right to freedom of speech. No, that doesn't mean what you choose to say won't have consequences.

59. Being single isn't the worst thing in the world. Eventually, the right one for you will come along.

60. Just because someone else is being immature doesn't give you the right to be. 

61. If someone has touched your life, or changed your life for the better, thank them. Call them, write them a letter, anything.

62. Be kind to everyone. You never know what they're going through.

63. Pay it forward.

64. It's okay to have a bad day every once in a while, just don't take that bad day out on others.

65. Just because you disagree with someone politically does not give you the right to be disrespectful. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.

66. Before you know it, people will no longer excuse your actions with "he/she is young. He/She will learn," because you won't be "young" anymore.

67. Go to the opera, ballet, or philharmonic every now and then. It's good to feel cultured, plus it's actually amazing to watch/listen to people's hard work and talent all pay off.

68. Don't wait until your phone/computer is at one percent battery to plug it in. That just adds stress to your life that you probably don't need.

69. There is no shame in making the occasional dirty joke (see what I did there?).

70. Don't waste money on things you don't really need, or that will just end up sitting on a shelf somewhere.

71. Eat more pizza because it's good for the soul and, like my Southern grandfather would say, it'll make your tongue slap your brains out.

72. Sometimes you just need to be alone.

73. Smile at people when you walk past them. It could make their whole day, and honestly it's no fun to be glared at.

74. Don't let anyone tell you what you should or should not regret. Only you can make that call.

75. While driving, don't honk at people unless you really really have to. Waiting an extra 0.5 seconds after the light turns green won't kill you. For all you know, they could be driving a manual and just killed their engine. 

76. Sometimes it's better to make someone a present instead of buy one.

77. Forgiving someone doesn't necessarily mean forgetting everything that happened, it's just a way to help you move forward.

78. Never stop advocating for gay rights. Love is love. Don't let anyone try and convince you otherwise.

79. Having an idol (or idols) is a good thing.

80. Cooking can actually be fun when you take the time to do it.

81. Thank your housemates for restocking the toilet paper or doing the dishes, and for just being a positive presence in your living space.

82. Stop referring to your love of romance novels technically written for middle-aged women as a guilty pleasure.

83. It's okay to have late-night junk food cravings, just not every night, or else before you know it you'll be 472 pounds. Then again if you want to be 472 pounds I won't judge. Food is good.

84. Ask how your family and friends are doing before they ask you.

85. Never be ashamed of your religion. You don't have to justify your beliefs to anyone.

86. Be patient with and kind to small children. Not to mention, little kid hugs are the best.

87. Take more pictures and selfies.

88. Personal hygiene should be taken seriously.

89. Go on more hikes. It clears the mind.

90. Start setting aside money for that big trip you want to take someday.

91. Put your phone away when you're out to eat or spending time with friends or family. Be present. Pay attention to the people in front of you.

92. School isn't just about the grades. Go to class to learn, not to get that A in participation. Although the A's don't hurt.

93. Drink more water and less (diet) soda.

94. If/when someone invites you over to their home for dinner, ask if you should bring anything and if they say no, bring a bottle of wine anyway.

95. If you want to hang out with someone, reach out to them.

96. Getting overly attached to people is both a good and a not-so-good thing.

97. Sometimes bad decisions make for good stories to tell the grandkids one day, and sometimes bad situations make for funny stories three years later.

98. Always say hello to the person sitting next to you on an airplane or train. Be friendly.

99. Do things for others without expecting anything in return. 

100. Never forget that God always has a plan.
